Sabado, Mayo 11, 2013


Good day to all of you  guys!

Like others, I've tried many slimming tools. I don't endorsing any slimming products. I just want to give some tips that what ever slimming tools you take as long your comfort with it. There's nothing to worry!!!


Here some tips that you can use:


Tip #1 

Before taking any kind of slimming tools, all you need to do first is- DRINK AT LEAST 1 GLASS OF WATER!!! It will cleanse your intestines(bituka) that restore during your all night rest :)

Tip #2

 After you you take 1 glass of water, wait for at least 3-5min for the cleansing your intestine. Then after that you can now drink your slimming tools, either it's coffee, pills, juice, or tea. Then wait for  a moment. ** This is why it indicates to all guide lines in slimming product, drink it 15min or 30min before breakfast meal which is much advisable instead of lunch. This is the reason- FOR YOU TO EXCRETE!!! Yes in tagalog-para lang madumi tayo :) funny but it's TRUE!!! That's why drinking water in the morning before anything you take is very very. Important :)

Tip #3 

OK! So now you finish for your poo poo time.. Hahaha... Lol sorry for my term. But please stay there- YES!!! Inside in your CR. why? For you to get sweat.  Yes because according to some research-some people were over sweat are those who are slim. That's why one of side effects of some slimming tools is you will feel sweat :) so i suggest it's nice to take this tools during summer because of the weather. Yes! The more hot, the more sweat comes out and reduce your weight :)

Tip #4 

for you to know how many glass of water you need to take  in 1 day,just follow this simple formula:

Convert your weight from KG to LBS. then multiply it to 0.08 then get only the whole number.
Ex. 152lbs X 0.08 = 12.16 - so i need to take at least 12 GLASS OF WATER to get the obtaining weight loss i want.

Tip #5

 don't skip for your meal. It's not call diet!!! Crazy old man. That is not true ok!!! Skipping meal is not good. The diet call is less the amount of your meal. Yes!!! If your taking 3cups of rice not in one day- in one meal.. Now. Make only one cup in breakfast and lunch in dinner just take bread or noodles. Eat more watery fruit, green leafy food.  Don't trust some slimming tools saying you don't have to take diet. For heaven sake.. How can you get what body size you want if you did not have discipline to your self??? Listen OK!!! While taking slimming tools, EATING FOODS IS IMPORTANT.

Tip #6 

this is the most important while your in the process of taking slimming tools. EXERCISE! You don't need to look for gym. Walking or running is simple but can help you to reduce your weight. If will make you sweat :)

Always remember this what ever slimming tools you use are safe but depend on how you use it so don't abuse it. This is not a MAGIC POTION that will make you easily slim in just one click.
OK. That's all. I hope i did shared some help.  So if you have any question just email me in or text me 09178293644.  
or you can visit my sulit shop:  

Thanks :)